China not only has the world's largest instant noodle market in term of sales but also has the world's largest instant noodle production base, which is located in Longyao County, Hebei Province. Jinmailang is one of the biggest producers of instant noodles in China and the pride of Longyao County. It has attracted many well-known enterprises at home and abroad to settle in Longyao County, creating an industrial highland. Driven by the Belt and Road Initiative and the leading enterprises, Longyao County is actively reaching out to overseas markets. Its products have been exported to more than 50 countries and regions, including South Africa, Brazil, the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, which has blazed a road with Chinese self-confidence.
What is the uniqueness about the world's largest instant noodle production base? How are instant noodles produced? Today, Adrian from the UK comes here with curiosity to explore the well-known brand of instant noodles in China - Jinmailang.
总策划: 那书晨 王振儒 张砚平 王悦路
Supervising Producers: Na Shuchen, Wang Zhenru, Zhang Yanping, Wang Yuelu
总监制:邵 荃 李 遥 刘 浏
Chief Producers: Shao Quan, Li Yao, Liu Liu
策 划:景廷楠 施 扬 曹朝阳 杨建民
Planners: Jing Tingnan, Shi Yang, Cao Zhaoyang, Yang Jianmin
编 导:郑 白 米雯婷(实习生)
Choreographer-directors: Zheng Bai, Mi Wenting(Intern)
摄 像:李文培 刘志成
Cinematographers: Li Wenpei, Liu Zhicheng
剪 辑:张梦琳 武 萌 寇 瑄
Editors: Zhang Menglin, Wu Meng, Kou Xuan
字幕翻译:宋立芳 韩嘉璐(实习生)张凤池(实习生)
Script Translators: Song Lifang, Han Jialu(Intern), Zhang Fengchi(Intern)
Text proofreader: Song Lifang
指导单位: 河北省人民政府新闻办公室
Instructor Unit: Information Office of People's Government of Hebei Province
Supporting Unit: Hebei Foreign Publicity and Exchange Center
鸣谢单位:隆尧县委宣传部 今麦郎食品股份有限公司
Special Thanks to: Publicity Department of the CPC Committee of Longyao County, Jinmailang Food Co., Ltd.
Editor: Song Lifang, Mi Wenting (Intern)