China is the world's largest consumer of milk powder and second-largest market of dairy products. It is also a world frontrunner in terms of dairy farming and production. Then how good is the quality of dairy products produced in a country with over 1.4 billion people and what is the secret behind the country's fast-developing dairy industry?
In recent years, Hebei Province has established a dairy industry cluster that integrates farming, breeding, processing and tourism. In particular, the Junlebao Dairy Group, headquartered in Shijiazhuang City, is a globally renowned dairy company that pioneered in building a complete industrial chain. Emily, a new mom from the United States, eagerly enters Junlebao to begin an exploration.
总策划: 那书晨 张砚平 王悦路
Supervising Producers: Na Shuchen, Zhang Yanping, Wang Yuelu
总监制:李 遥 刘 浏
Chief Producers: Li Yao, Liu Liu
策 划:景廷楠 施 扬 杨建民
Planners: Jing Tingnan, Shi Yang, Yang Jianmin
编 导:郑 白 米雯婷(实习生)
Choreographer-directors: Zheng Bai, Mi Wenting (Intern)
摄 像:王守一 张荣鹏
Cinematographers: Wang Shouyi, Zhang Rongpeng
剪 辑:李文培 赵博轩
Editors: Li Wenpei, Zhao Boxuan
字幕翻译:郑 白
Script Translators: Zheng Bai
Text proofreaders: Song Lifang
指导单位: 河北省人民政府新闻办公室
Instructor Unit: Information Office of People's Government of Hebei Province
Supporting Unit: Hebei Foreign Publicity and Exchange Center
Junlebao Dairy Group