At present, locomotive products from CRRC can be found in 83% of the countries and regions with railways in the world and China's high-speed trains increasingly become the focus of world attention. CRRC is a "golden card" for China's high-end equipment to go global. Its Fuxing bullet train leads the world in terms of train manufacturing standards.
CRRC Tangshan Co., Ltd. is an important part of CRRC. Currently, the trains made by CRRC Tangshan are running in more countries along the Belt & Road to let the world feel the innovation and speed of China.
Today, Nedelina from Bulgaria, with her curiosity about China's high-speed train, will take the Fuxing bullet train to start a journey of exploration.
总策划: 那书晨 张砚平 王悦路
Supervising Producers: Na Shuchen, Zhang Yanping, Wang Yuelu
总监制:李 遥 刘 浏
Chief Producers: Li Yao, Liu Liu
策 划:景廷楠 施 扬 杨建民 张光明
Planners: Jing Tingnan, Shi Yang, Yang Jianmin, Zhang Guangming
编 导:郑 白 宋立芳 周亚彬
Choreographer-directors: Zheng Bai, Song Lifang, Zhou Yabin
摄 像:王守一 张荣鹏
Cinematographers: Wang Shouyi, Zhang Rongpeng
剪 辑:李文培 赵博轩
Editors: Li Wenpei, Zhao Boxuan
字幕翻译:郑 白 米雯婷(实习)
Script Translators: Zheng Bai, Mi Wenting(Intern)
文字校对:宋立芳 李 石(实习)
Text proofreaders: Song Lifang, Li Shi (Intern)
指导单位: 河北省人民政府新闻办公室
Instructor Unit: Information Office of People's Government of Hebei Province
Supporting Unit: Hebei Foreign Publicity and Exchange Center
Special thanks to: CRRC Tangshan Co.,LTD.
China Railway Beijing Group Co.,Ltd.
Shijiazhuang Passenger Transport Section
Editor: Song Lifang, Li Shi (Intern)