Straw plaiting, as a widely popular traditional handicraft among the Chinese populace, enjoys a broad grassroots following and possesses a strong blend of practicality and artistic value. Daming Straw Plaiting in Handan City, Hebei Province is a traditional handicraft primarily using herbaceous plants as its main raw material, and the manual craftsmanship is known for its use of natural fibers such as wheat straw and corn husks for weaving, offering a simple and natural beauty and a rustic sense of art. In 2008, Daming Straw Plaiting was inscribed into the second list of the National Intangible Cultural Heritage, and the industry of Daming Straw Plaiting continues to thrive through inheritance and innovation. This episode "Daming Straw Plaiting" will enable you to enjoy the unique charm of Daming Straw Plaiting.
总监制:李 遥
Chief Supervisor and Producer: Li Yao
策 划:杨建民 董亚青
Planners: Yang Jianmin, Dong Yaqing
统 筹:郑 白
Coordinator: Zheng Bai
编 导:宋立芳
Choreographer-director: Song Lifang
摄 像:王守一
Cameraman: Wang Shouyi
剪 辑:赵博轩
Editor: Zhao Boxuan
字幕翻译:宋立芳 李石(实习)
Caption Translators: Song Lifang, Li Shi (Intern)
文字校对:郑 白 米雯婷(实习)
Script Proofreaders: Zheng Bai, Mi Wenting (Intern)
指导单位: 河北省委宣传部
Instructor Unit: the Publicity Department of the CPC Hebei Provincial Committee
Acknowledgement: Thanks should go to the The Yexing Folk Art Co., Ltd. Daming County
Editor: Mi Wenting (Intern)