The city of Tangshan has since the beginning of this year sustainably made more convenient for market players by simplifying registration and deregistration procedures to optimize the environment for businesses operations. The city's Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau (AEAB) has strongly committed to completing business registration and deregistration in one day, with city-level enterprises in only two hours, plus free making of chops. It has realized "zero cost" in the registration and deregistration.

In the next step, the AEAB will create a "one window for all" on-line service platform, which will handle procedures for enterprises in all districts in the city, with enterprises belonging to district and city having the same rights. Those private businesses whose registration addresses in the city's central districts (Lunan, Lubei, Guye and Kaiping) and with resigration capital of 20 million yuan may register on the "one window" platform, free to choose registration organs at the city or the central districts levels.