Located in Chengde, Saihanba is home to the world's largest planted forests. Believe it or not, 60 years ago all of this was barren desert. Three generations of foresters put extraodinary efforts to transform this area from barren land to lush forest. Emily, iHebei Overseas Communication Officer, heard the miraculous planting stories and went to Saihanba to explore the “Saihanba spirit” in this miracle land by herself.

塞罕坝机械林场七星湖一角。长城网·冀云客户端记者 李文培 摄
监 制:李 遥 贾 芳
策 划:杨建民 杨金文
编 导:李文培 郑 白
摄 像:李文培
航 拍:秦启涵
制 作:李文培
校 对:宋立芳
出镜嘉宾:Emily Francis
出 品:长城新媒体集团
Editor: Zheng Bai